Monday, October 26, 2009

HW:15 Blog Posts

Jacob's Blog

Very concise and well written explanation of the text. I could tell that you read this text to get the message but you also took it with a grain of salt. The most interesting idea you have here is this idea that any of these things can develop us further, but only when its distilled or concentrated or when you filter out the "crap" in it.

I like this idea a lot, but I'm not clear on what this "crap" is. What aspects of video games or TV or the internet inhibit our mental development and what aspects of it increase our mental development? What does this "crap" do to people? does it erase the mental development that was gained, or take a step back from it? are there any examples of video games or TV shows that don't have any peripheral garbage that inhibits our mental development?

Even if we could avoid the extra "fluff" would people still enjoy video games and TV etc.? Is there any way to have the mental development without the extra garbage? Does this extra "fluff" exist in books, maybe even people?

This idea you brought up was very interesting and could expand in many different ways and could become a post on its own, although I would have liked to see you expand on this interesting idea, great post though, and keep up the good work

Beatrice's Blog

I like your idea about how "Feed" is a nail and we're the hammer. People tend to be lazy and think that books will change the world for them but you at least have the idea that we have to take initiative if we want to make real change in our world.

I'm curious as to what you want to change in the world and how you would go about doing it, try to expand on your idea more, but all in all good post

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