Sunday, October 18, 2009

Feed Response

"Feed" being a science fiction novel has many exaggerations, and in some cases exact parallels, to modern society mainly in the case of teen life and technology. The Feed itself is used to represent the convenience of modern technology. The Feed is an allegory for phones, internet, video games, television, instant messaging, and online auction sites like Ebay. The Feed allows people to communicate telepathically (through "m-chatting"), buy anything online, watch movies, research anything and even share memories.
The obvious parallel to this is the internet and tv, the most "Feed-like" electronic out there today is the iphone, with its thousands of Apps it can do virtually anything, on top of that it has internet, phone, music and a camera. In my own personal life I don't have an iphone, or sidekick so I can't IM people constantly like they do in "Feed" (IMing being a downgraded version of M-chatting) nor can I play games whenever I want etc. The phone I do have I use mostly to text and call, which I don't do as often as most people and not nearly as often as the characters in "Feed" do. However I do mimic the technology by IMing when I'm at home, watching movies on my laptop, playing video games and using the internet a lot.
Like anything there are positives and negatives, with the Feed the user sacrifices their individuality for convenience. This is mainly because the Feed effects the users thoughts with constant advertisements, corporations sell things based on what people are like, they reflect what they buy and so and so on. Because he Feed users lose their individuality they follow ridiculous fads. The obsession with something thats stupid yet entertaining, in Feed the fads that people follow, in real life pop culture, comes from an over stimulation of media. When teens can talk about the same stupid thing at the same time they're more likely to. While the majority of teens specifically exhibit this behavior there are a minority of teens who question this, mainly our class since we do this in school. Weather or not this is because society hasn't collapsed yet or technology isn't as socially detrimental as it seems has yet to be seen.

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