Sunday, September 27, 2009

HW 6: Digitalization Video

In the video I'm mainly just snacking and looking at the screen, I'm actually watching TV which is to my right (your left), so I'm multi-tasking in this video. On my computer I'm reading over the course blog, to make sure I'm doing the video right, and I'm participating in an AIM conversation. My body however is relatively motionless, while I do move my hands every now and then to eat, I'm not thinking about moving, my mind is totally occupied on the TV and making this video.
I don't think this type of immersion is bad, as long as its not done excessively. I feel like we'll be immersed in this way anyways, daydreaming is a perfect example, the internet is just another version of this type immersion. The Wii in my opinion doesn't immerse people that way that other games do, first off you're moving and acknowledging your body, secondly, the Wii is a party system. Most people play Wii when they have friends or family over, this means you recognize your body and the people around you, you become immersed in the social atmosphere rather than the virtual reality. Other games will cause you to ignore your body and focus only on the game and maybe the friends or family you have next to you, however the Wii takes on the role of a board game, you focus on it for the competitive aspect of it, but you mostly pay attention to the other players.


  1. Hi Marco,
    I think you did this assignment nicely. You made a good point in stating that the Wii is different than other video games due to the fact that its more social and you recognize your body and the people around you. I was also intrigued that you compared daydreaming to being on the internet. I've never thought of that before.

    I think you could've expanded more on what you noticed about yourself in your video other than your mind being occupied but your body being still.

    But it's still good work, keep it up!


  2. Marco,

    First off, I really enjoyed reading your post, and watching your video as well. I liked how you don't come off as defensive about what you do in your video, but rather analytic instead.

    Because you talk about your video as evidence in your post, and than introduce a non- technological parallel, I really was intrigued by what you wrote. In turn, your main point made me re-watch your video keeping in mind your theory that daydreaming and sitting and watching television are pretty much the same thing.

    I think that you touched briefly on a very large point which is that alot of what we do online and with technology, is just like an advancement of what people did before computers and cable.

    Your example about T.V. and daydreaming was good, but in my opinion, a more accurate example would be T.V. to story telling wayyy back when America was still going through westward expansion. People listening to stories are just as captivated by what they are listening to as you were sitting in front of your television screen.

    You made me really think about all the parallels between technology and the pre-digitalized world. I feel like some of the older ways of doing things are alot better than what we do today. Think about it, when's the last time you sat down for as long as an episode of South Park to listen to a story from one of your parents, or tried to write instead of typing away on ichat?

    Your post made me think about those questions, and reconsider how I've been substituting technology in my own life. This pretty much goes to show, when you write well, you provoke thought in the mind of your reader, and you did just that, good job Marco.
