Thursday, September 17, 2009

Comments on Triad's Blogs

Beatrice's Comment

Your post made a lot of good points and was very entertaining and funny, I liked the way you were able to use evidence to prove your ideas in very strong ways. I agree with the way that people's conversations have become dumber and nobody really says anything online anymore. Making an observation is the first step to a good post, what's really interesting is the "why" part. Now that you know that online conversations don't convey anything anymore, ask why they don't and try to figure out what it is about IM-ing, texting etc. that causes that to happen. I enjoyed reading this post and it was very insightful, keep up the good work

Jacob's Comment

This is a great first post, I like how you were able to get your point across without over exaggerating the issue, as most people might have done with this topic, you took a very realistic stance with this topic which can be hard to do sometimes. The idea that we would prefer to have online interactions over real ones is a very compelling argument with a lot of evidence to back it up. I like the point you made about people becoming lazier since we have instant access to things, I've seen many examples of this in my own experience (myself included sometimes). To make this post better I'd recommend that you think of solutions to this problem. People like to find problems but spend very little time finding solutions, I think your post would be much more interesting if you could think of ways to get people to be less lazy and favor real interaction over virtual ones. All in all, great post, I could tell you spent time on this and really thought about the topic

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