Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blog Comments

Beatrice's Blog

Beatrice, I thought your video was fairly unique, you used the video itself to express your opinion, however I think the assignment was to show what your body is doing while participating in these actions, not to express opinions in the actual video. However you blog post was well written.

I like how you gave a very strong opinion on this subject, how you'd rather spend time with your friends than spend time on digital devices, I would have liked to see you explain that comment in detail and explain why. What's the appeal in being outside, how does that differ from digital devices? will digital devices ever simulate or copy this appeal? You made a good post but I'd like you to expand on your ideas and try to use the blog for opinions and the video for evidence. Keep up the good work

Jacob's Blog

Jacob, I liked how you compared the experience of making the video editing it and writing about it in the blog, I found that thought to be very insightful. I like how the digital world can let us do millions of different things in our minds in the same exact position, however the downside to that is we don't get exercise for our bodies.

This idea of retaining the same position and doing several different things is the beginning of the answer to the question "why is the internet so addictive" being able to do anything from your home is an amazing ability. The internet grants us power and people naturally want power. Great post, I hope to hear more interesting thoughts from you in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Marco,
    Thanks for taking the time to read my blog, I thought you really saw the main point that I was getting at in my blog. Your comment gave me a thought provoking answer to that main question I asked and made me consider the connection between that point which came up in class about being in control of your life when your online, and the question I raised about why we are captivated by the computer screen and "addicted to the internet".

    I realize that you did take the time to make a really well thought out comment, but I feel like your focus was on the positive parts of the internet, which are pretty self evident, not the real deeper negative side of the internet.

    That is not to say, you didn't discuss the downside, because you did. I feel like their was one particular flaw that was mutual in both your comment, and my post. The flaw was that we both touched on this idea that we don't get exercise, and are pretty much motionless, but neither of us seemed to propose alternatives. I think the discussion about mental stimulation vs. physical is important, meaning that their is a time to be physically stimulated and a time to just be mentally stimulated.

    An example of my mental vs. physical idea, would be playing ping-pong, and playing Halo 3. Ping-pong, which is about just hitting the ball onto the other side of the table, not so much strategy, is a time for physical activity, not mental growth. Halo 3 is about killing aliens, sitting in-front of a screen and coming up with a strategy where you can kill the most possible aliens, without being killed.

    The way I see this, is an alternative perspective to the idea that if we aren't moving we aren't accomplishing anything. It may not be correct, but it is another way to look at this whole "digital problem".
