Tuesday, December 1, 2009

HW: 27 Interviews

Anthony Interview (edited from aim text)

Q) What would you classify yourself as in terms of social roles?

A) I don't know dude I've always thought of that myself my grades are high enough that I'm top ten percentile of my grade and a 1930 on the SATs but I drink a little I play tons of sports and work out everyday, I don't really have a class

Q) Do you consider yourself "cool"?

A) Nah that's too concieted even for me I've been called cool but its of no interest to me I'm indifferent to the idea

Q) How do you define cool?

A) Everyone likes you everyone wants to be like you, diverse in interests adventurous

Q) Do you think people are born cool?

A) No

Q) Can anyone be cool?

A) I guess though usually potential is higher if you're also attractive being that we live in america

Henry's Interview ("")

Q) What is your social role?

A) The jester, whether I succeed or not is varied, but I try to lighten the mood

Q) Do you consider yourself cool?

A) It depends on what you call cool. I mean, I think I am a pretty well rounded person and "in the know" enough that I can be at least a little cool to a lot of people. But like, to the smoking, drinking, doing drugs crowd, I am a square, because I shove that to the side and think of it as lame, so therefore I'm lame to them too

Q) To paraphrase what you said to me i said "you're cool in your own way, but not the mainstream way?"

A) Yea, you could safely say that for the most part. Depending on your circles though in mainstream media, I could still be pretty cool I think. Not as naturally though

Q) What's your definition of cool?

A) Being true to yourself. It's the same for what I consider a meaningful life. I think that you have to know your true self and simply be that to be cool.

Q) Do you think anyone can be cool?

A) Yes,they just have to be themselves

Q) How does one one "be themself"?

A) They have to analyze themselves in a way, find out what their core elements are

like, for Superman, his are broken down as truth, justice, and the American way

that makes him cool, because he knows who he is

Q) Will this make you cool in everyone's eyes?

A) No, that's pretty hard to do. The only way to be cool for everybody is to earn their respect and have them admire you. That is the closest you can be to being cool to everybody. Like even Obama, at the peak of his popularity last year, wasn't cool in everybody's eyes, but he was cool in a lot, which is the most one can hope for

Stranger Interview

I saw a bearded man walking down the street in a grey trench coat, he exuded sense of calmness but he wasn't mainstream cool so I thought he'd be an interesting interview, and he was the one person out of a full crowd who wasn't on a phone or i-pod

Q) Are you cool?

A) I can be cool at times

Q) Can anyone be cool?

A) no, some people just aren't cool

Q) What social group are you in now?

A) I was a skateboarder growing up so I guess that's where I am now

Q) What social group would you want to be in?

A) I'm happy where I am now

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