Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hw 39: School Questions, Thoughts, Experiences

1-What won't they teach in schools?
2-Why did we switch from vocational education to school education?
3-Would our society be able to function without schools?

1-School is put in place to "brainwash" kids into thinking the way the government wants them to.
2-Because all kids go to school or are home-schooled according to government curriculum, no one can "think outside of school" we're all raised to think the way we're educated, which depends on which school we're in
3-School is intended to make kids smarter, but by having an environment that consists of multiple distractions, like other students, sports and extra-curricular activities the actual learning becomes peripheral.

1-In my experience, few kids actually come out of school with a "thirst for knowledge" or even remember what they learned
2-Just about every day people complain about how bad the school is, either in an attempt to look cool or too good for this school or simply because we go to a very poor public school
3-Teachers usually define weather a class is good or not, the subject matter has little influence in most cases

Schools are intended for education, or so we're taught to believe, but education isn't the only thing happening in schools, assuming it actually happens to begin with. The school environment offers so many distractions that most students prioritize other things above learning, things like friends, sports, extra-curricular activities etc. This puts schools in an odd position because while they're publicly intended to make smarter, most kids don't care about their own education. Most of the information we learn in school we'll forget unless its used in our careers, which means education isn't the main product of schools. This either means that education is like some weird business that advertises its apples and sells oranges or there's some sort of other purpose to school that we're missing.
This other purpose must be social development, the only other things to be gained out of school besides an education are friends and skill at extra-curricular activities which usually create friendships among the people involved. This means that school is productive in most cases, unless a student has no friends and doesn't learn anything. This relationship mimics life, life is in most cases a balance of knowledge and how social someone is. School really just serves as a virtual world where things are simpler, its a watered down version of the real world where kids like us can be safe from the big bad world out there. School serves as a way to ease us into the real world, we lose our innocence in controlled increments to create productive function citizens.

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