Wednesday, May 19, 2010

HW 57: Parenting

The most logical approach I can think of to raising children (since I have no experience and can only theorize) is to come up with a list of qualities you want your children to have and come up with a parenting system to cultivate those qualities. The next step is to learn which parenting techniques can reasonably encourage that kind of growth in their child. For instance if a parent wants their child to be more independent then they should let them do things on their own even if it involves getting a little hurt, when children learn to fall on their own, they learn to get up on their own.

The challenge with parenting is deciding which qualities to develop in their child, how to develop those qualities and making sure those techniques work well all together. This includes the technique of giving your child a fun childhood to enable them to be a happy adult, if the other techniques are detrimental to a good childhood then the result is either an internally conflicted child or the child just won't become a happy adult as the parent planned because the other parenting technique overshadows it. All the parenting techniques that parents use to raise their kids have to work together otherwise their children will receive mixed messages.

Monday, May 17, 2010

HW 56: Interviews

EQ: "Do friends make noticeable impressions on each other or make significant change or have significant similarities in their respective Myer-Briggs test results?"

This question is a specific and provable way of asking: "How much do friends affect each other, if at all?"

1-Do you and your best friend have similar personalities/traits? What are they?

2-Do you think you rub off on your friends? What qualities do you think your friends learn from you?

3-Do you think your friends rub off on you? What qualities have rubbed off on you from your friends?

4-Do friends effect each other equally?

5-Do friends have to "rub off" on each other to have a good relationship?

6-How important are similar personalities/traits to a good friendship?

Interview 1

Q-Do you and your best friend have similar personalities/traits?

A-um not really

Q-and you had the same personalities before you met each other?


Q-Do you think you rub off on your friends?


Q-What qualities do they get from you?

A-well i try to get them to be environmentally friendly, no littering i help ***** with not skipping so much and doing hw, those kind of things

Q-Do you think your friends rub off on you?


Q-in what ways?

A-um im more out going

Q-as a result of being their friend?

A-mhmm, more loud not so reserved

Q-Do you think friends effect each other equally?

A-no, i think the people with the more dominant personality effects the friendship more then the quiet one

Q-Do you think friends have to 'rub off' on each other to have a good relationship?

A-i dont think they do, but i think for most freindships to work where people have the same tastes, some rubbing off needs to occur but not all friendships require the same tastes

Q-How important are similar personalities to a good friendship?

A-i think they important

Q-how important?

A-um out of 10 it would be an 8

Interview 2

Q-Do you and your best friend have similar personalities/traits? What are they?

A-LOL YES. we do. obnoxiousness, similar tastes in things, etc.

Q-Do you think you rub off on your friends? What qualities do you think your friends learn

from you?

A-they end up getting into the same things that im interested in because of spending so much time with me

Q-do your personalities change?

A-no, lol

Q-Do you think your friends rub off on you? What qualities have rubbed off on you from your friends?

A-ive gotten more confident from hanging out with good groups of friends

also artistic stuff has rubbed off on me from my friends too

Q-Do friends effect each other equally?

depends on the friends

Q-if you could generalize

A-not really, no

Q-if thats the case then which type of friend would have a more significant effect on the other?

A-the more outgoing, pushy friend would probably have a more significant effect

Q-Do friends have to "rub off" on each other to have a good relationship?


Q-How important are similar personalities/traits to a good friendship?

A-pretty important, because if you have nothing similar in your personalities then you have

nothing to talk about

Interview 3

Q-Do you and your best friend have similar personalities/traits? What are they?

A-yes, we both share similar values and we have similar interests

Q-Do you think you rub off on your friends? What qualities do you think your friends learn

from you?

A-yes I think I rub off on my friends, and I think they rub off on me. I'm not positive but I think my friends learn understanding-ness from me

Q-Do you think your friends rub off on you? What qualities have rubbed off on you from your friends?

A-yes I think they have rubbed off on me, one main quality that I learned from my friends is to trust myself

Q-Do friends effect each other equally?

A-I don't think so. I think it varies between friendships.

Q-what type of friend has the most impact on another friend? if you were to generalize

A-friendship-wise, I think the friend who is most loyal and who one connects really well with has the most imact on another friend. In general, It is possible that a romantic type of friend has the most impact on another friend

Q-Do friends have to "rub off" on each other to have a good relationship?

A-I think so. Friends should imact each other in some significant way for the friendship to mean something more than just someone you see all the time.

Q-How important are similar personalities/traits to a good friendship?

A-I think they are pretty important, for me personally, I connect better with the people who are more like myself because I feel like they have a better understanding of who I am. I am still able to interact with people who are not like me but I connect more with those like myself.

Interview 4

Q-Do you and your best friend have similar personalities/traits? What are they?

A-no not at all, well wait, some of them hav the same like we like to go out and like play alotta sports be active

yeah its rly only ***** that doesnt rly share any persona traits with me lol

Q-Do you think you rub off on your friends? What qualities do you think your friends learn from you?

A-idk i might rub off a lil bit if i do im not sur what i rub off but it depends on the group of friends im with like if its guys or girls with guys like i usually like rub off i guess energy like i act crzy and then like they start acten crzy and its just a shit ton of energy gets made but like with like girls its more like keepen clm and like doin...other stuff lmao yeah like i create a vibe a lot of the time

Q-Do you think your friends rub off on you? What qualities have rubbed off on you from your friends?

A-umm somtimes like it depends on who, but over all a little bit

Q-in what ways?

A-like somtimes if im with certain ppl ill be nicer than usual or meaner or mor out going its rly situational or mor mature dpending on the age of the friends or the gender and physical attributes idk i usually just like asimilate to a degree with the group get on the same lvl but not act exactly the same like i still have my persona showing through but its like diff prts of it come out around certain pp,l

Q-Do friends effect each other equally?


Q-do friends rub off on each other the same amount? or is one more affected by the other?

A-oooo i find that usually im the dominateing force but like i conciencsly try to make sure i nvr take ovr compleatly cause like u kno the whole someone is gonna resent it so i like make sur to make other presences felt

Q-Do friends have to "rub off" on each other to have a good relationship?

A-no friends dnt hav to rub off on eachother it wont make a diff and it shldnt like friends shld try to like hlp make eachother better ppl but like they dnt have to to be a good friend it just isnt neccesary

Q-How important are similar personalities/traits to a good friendship?

A-not at all me and one of my best friends are almost complete opposites well maybe a lil important one does have to be able to establish some sort of common ground to level with each other essentially

The majority of these interview subjects admitted to having a significant effect on their friends and having been affected significantly by their friends. However having similar personalities is said to have little to no stake in the quality of the relationship, but everyone said that having common interests was important to maintaining a good friendship. Some effects listed aside from interests and personality were responsible habits, and the type of friend that had the most effect on their friends were charismatic and social. In these interviews it can be assumed that mostly positive attributes are shared, but thats not to say that negative attributes can be shared among friends.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

HW 54:Myers-Briggs Test

This test labeled me as ISTP, "'Engineer'. Values freedom of action and following interests and impulses. Independent, concise in speech, master of tools. 5.4% of total population." This result is pretty accurate and I think this description fits me pretty well. However I can see myself fitting a variety of descriptions based on my mood or who I'm with etc. These tests can't label your true personality, only the instant personality of the tester and the personality they think they have. However the questions test preference, which might seem like an easy way to figure out someone's personality, but not everyone knows what they truly want. Asking these questions will make the tester question who they really are which is important to personal growth and development.

The percentages are pretty helpful because they show how much of each section the tester belongs to. Because people naturally fit into different categories the percents make one hundred different categories for each section. This allows the definition to be more specific and create a more accurate result. This also lets the tester know how much of each category they belong to, if the percents are closer they're more likely to flip flop or change their personality.
The results of these tests are kind of helpful because they give some insight into how we think and act, but the results shouldn't be taken too seriously, because after all it's only a test.

Monday, May 3, 2010

HW 52: Initial thoughts on Human interactions

human beings are born around other people, immediately around their mother and then later on in society. It's impossible to escape other people, so we figure out ways to interact with them and make the most of these interactions. We interact differently with different people and treat people differently based on who they are in relation to us.

While it may sound selfish, every one has a goal in any given interaction. Weather it's to make friends, maintain a friendship, enjoy the other person's company etc. each person gets something out of the interaction. Some goals are conscious whereas others are subconscious. A student might say to themselves, "I should be nice to this teacher and then they'll give me a good grade", this is their goal for the interaction with the teacher. A subconscious goal might be "This person is mean to me so I will be mean to them to assert myself and possibly avoid getting bullied", of course this never works, but psychology and logic aren't always the same.

Even in interactions with friends people have goals. When around their friends people have similar subconscious goals (assuming this is a genuine friendship): "I want to be nice to my friend because if I'm nice them they'll stay in my life to make me happy". Even though the gesture of being nice to a friend may look selfless, the person wants the companionship of the other person for themselves. The basis of human interaction is to be better off in life than you were before, the goals of each interaction, conscious or subconscious, follow this ultimate guideline.

However this doesn't make human interaction a hollow and meaningless competition. Even though all of these goals are somewhat selfish there is a basic emotional foundation to them. People act differently around people based on how much they care about them, even if someone is just being nice to have the companionship of a friend, they still care about that friend. If anything this theory of interaction exposes how much we care about the people around us.

The conflict that occurs in human interactions, or the confusion that people might feel in interactions is the contradiction between the subconscious goal and the conscious goal. In the example of cheating someone might actively think: "I have a moral obligation to my spouse/lover and I shouldn't cheat on them" but they might subconsciously think: "This other person is attractive and my spouse/lover won't find out I should cheat on them". This conflict is the source of all moral dilemmas, the goal of our subconscious animal instinct and the goal of our conscious civilized self contradicting one another.

The conscious goals we have are determined by how we're taught and the subconscious goals are determined by how we're raised and how we would behave naturally in our hypothetical "wild" and "un-domesticated" identities. What you're taught is something that is explicitly stated to you and your mind remembers that lesson and thinks about it consciously. How you're raised is the subtext of those lessons that you pick up on that shapes you as a person. Natural instinct is more of a biological thing, that way the brain is meant to analyze situations based on what is the optimal outcome for survival. All of these things combine to create the goals that dictate how we interact with other people.